

Capital Markets





FX Hedging: Understanding Currency Waves and How They Impact Your Debt Negotiations

Imagine being on a beach, enjoying the sun and the sea, but knowing that the tides can be unpredictable. Sometimes, a giant wave can ruin your day. In the financial world, these giant waves are the fluctuations in exchange rates.


Strategic alliance between Vaas and AECSA in Colombia

Vaas, a leader in technological solutions for structured debt management, announces its strategic alliance with AECSA, the perfect ally in Colombia for mass collections.

Vaas | Aecsa

What is a Substitution Event in Structured Debt and why could it occur?

A substitution event in the context of structured debt management refers to a situation where the primary servicer or manager of a credit portfolio needs to be replaced. The servicer is the entity responsible for the daily administration of...

Vaas | Aecsa

What should a Good Backup Servicing offer and how does it benefit a Debt Provider?

In the dynamic world of debt financing, stability, and operational continuity are fundamental to the success of any financial entity. A clear example is a company offering "Buy Now, Pay Later" (BNPL) services...

Vaas | Aecsa

Where is Wally’s payment?: The challenges of payment reconciliation

Payment reconciliation can be a complicated task. It’s comparable to when we used to play with our childhood book “Where's Wally?” (or Waldo, as he’s known in some countries) in one of his iconic and crowded illustrations

Matías Ramírez

Simplifying debt management with slack notifications

At Vaas, our commitment to democratizing access to credit in LATAM extends to simplifying the credit management process. We utilize tools like Slack to enhance communication with our clients, making debt management more efficient.

Gustavo Corrales

Digital Signature: A solution to increase transparency

The financial ecosystem is built on trust. This means that when operating a Fintech, one of the major challenges is to establish trust. Why is this a challenge? The financial sector, much like the legal sector, is a traditional industry. As a result, technological changes that bring about a shift in processes that have been...

Cristina Martin

Efficient Solutions for Organizational Growth

If I were a financial guy who spent my entire career working with Excel, a really incredible tool and my best friend, how can I trust my entire operation to some random guys who tell me they built and continue building the best tools to solve all my problems in a (at least) 10x more time-cost efficient way?

Federico Mancovsky

Time: The invaluable resource you could be wasting

In business, as in life in general, we spend a lot of time worrying about money; reaching budget goals or making rent are concerns all businesses have in some way or another. This constant pressure takes a toll on us and makes us forget we have another very precious resource we waste: TIME.

Fernando Muleiro

Cash release: what is this creature we talk so much about

Cash release is what ultimately will allow you to break even and, if things go as expected, also be the source of your returns, of your yield. Zero cash release means your efforts went for naught profitability wise, because either the cost of debt ate out all gross returns or defaults turned out to be more destructive than...

Martin Strauss

Considerations for first debt request in Latam

If you are a founder, CEO, CFO, COO of a Latam capital intensive company, check out my list of the three most important topics to consider when looking for debt. Just like understanding equity term sheets is of the utmost importance, these are equally fundamental to provide understanding to investors.

Valentina Valencia

How we use the 3 C's to build a successful product

Vaas is on a mission to democratize access to debt in Latin America. We believe that achieving this goal will have a significant impact on the quality of life of everyone in the region. However, we also acknowledge that this journey will not be easy, and we must face challenges step by step.

Mauro Berzosa

It's not all about size

When collateralizing a debt line, size is not all that matters. One has to be extremely aware of the particular assets being put as collateral and how they interact with each other and with the contractual restrictions.

Martin Strauss

What to look for in a debt partner aside from compelling financials

Originators sometimes fall into the common trap of only considering the hard data such as interest rate, facility amount, draw period and cash reserves when trying to secure a debt facility, while leaving other non-quantitative important information outside of their decision-making process...

Fernando Muleiro

Who gets the tickets first?

In a previous entry, we stated that debt functions as a lever to boost opportunities. But brace for more good news! There are a couple more benefits to debt, and we will explore one of them for the time being. For that purpose, here is...

Fernando Muleiro

Why is DEBT commonly known as LEVERAGE?

Many of us were taught that debt is something you incur when things are not going that well. Sometimes, access to money becomes tight precisely when we are operating on a shoestring budget. Other times, we just need that...

Martin Strauss

$5M in our first funding round led by Andreesen Horowitz

I am Valentina Valencia. Last year I raised a $5M seed round to solve issues around the following question: Why do startups have a harder time raising debt than equity?

Valentina Valencia

Swiper demo

Select other posts

Cash release: what is this creature we talk so much about

How we use the 3 C's to build a successful product

What to look for in a debt partner aside from compelling financials

Simplifying debt management with slack notifications

Digital Signature: A solution to increase transparency

Efficient Solutions for Organizational Growth

Who gets the tickets first?

Why is DEBT commonly known as LEVERAGE?

Considerations for first debt request in Latam

Time: The invaluable resource you could be wasting

It's not all about size

$5M in our first funding round led by Andreesen Horowitz

Where is Wally’s payment?: The challenges of payment reconciliation

Strategic alliance between Vaas and AECSA in Colombia

What is a Substitution Event in Structured Debt and why could it occur?

What should a Good Backup Servicing offer and how does it benefit a Debt Provider?

FX Hedging: Understanding Currency Waves and How They Impact Your Debt Negotiations